
Showing posts from June, 2022

How to Crack IELTS Listening Test?

  IELTS International English Language Testing System is widely popular among the people who want to explore foreign lands in search of greener pastures. This is the system to check the proficiency of English language of the person going to study or to settle over there. Different bands are required in different countries.  All the four modules are equally important but speaking skills are highly recognized. To crack speaking exam with high scores is a hard nut to crack but with expert guidance & IELTS Classes can be made possible as this language is not the first language in India and other Asian countries, although it is spoken frequently. Proficiency in speaking cannot be attained over night, it is a practice that should be done regularly as it is rightly said. ’Practice makes a man perfect’. If a student wants to get good scores, must keep few things in mind. First and foremost is the pronunciation –every letter of alphabets has its own sound so one should be well versed